" When the immune system of a dog is compromised, meaning that it doesn't properly fight off any mite infestation home remedies for dog ear mites are needed . Dog ear mites can cause itching, leaving a dog scratching, with head shakes and possible secondary ear infections. There are several ways to treat a dog with ear mites; most of them require a prescription from a veterinarian. Home remedies and natural preparations can be effective tools for treating canine ear mites. They are safe, do not require a prescription and are results oriented. "
A mite infestation is a common problem faced by companion dogs. They cause severe ear and skin lesions, itching, scratching and discomfort. The occurrence of secondary skin and ear infections are possible.
It should be noted that mites, specifically canine ear mites will usually infest a dog with a weakened immune system. Dog Ears are a normal habitat for different microorganisms. Some of these microorganisms are required to maintain ear health, but most of them are potential health risks. Once a dog’s immune system becomes deprived for any reason, these mites, bacteria and fungal components readily replicate and cause health issues.
If a dog is infested with ear mites, they can be treated with home remedies dog ear mites. Different home remedies dog ear mites are available for killing mites and reducing any symptoms a dog might experience. Oil is a base for any home remedy prepared for dog ear mites. The following are some canine ear mite home remedies, which be used for treating ear mites at home:
A few drops should be introduced into the ear canal. The ear should be thoroughly massaged and dog should be left alone when shaking on its own. The ears should be cleaned thoroughly with a cotton swab dipped in a quality mild antiseptic solution. Repeat the procedure and continued for at least six days.
Introduce a few milliliters of this preparation into the ear canal and massage the ear. Keep this mixture in the dog’s ear for at least a couple of hours and then clean the ear with a clean cotton swab dipped in a quality mild antiseptic.
You may need to restrain your dog in order to apply the dog ear remedy. Try placing your dog on a table with you standing on the side opposite of the ear you want to treat. Place your arm over the dog's shoulders. Place your left arm around the head and neck. Use your fingers to push the ear flap back and up so that you can see the inner area of the ear as depicted below:
Picture of Applying Dog
Ear Medication
Source: University of Washington
School of Veterinary Medicine
Picture of Dog Ear Wash
Inserted into Ear
Source: University of Washington
School of Veterinary Medicine
Picture of Dog Ear
Massage after Treatment
Source: University of Washington
School of Veterinary Medicine
Use of Q-Tip to Clean Dog Ear Flap
Source: University of Washington
School of Veterinary Medicine
Home remedies for dog ear mites are effective, but some preparatory and administrative hindrances make this risky, as a dog’s inner ear is a sensitive part of the body. When using home remedies, it is important that the inner parts of a dog’s ear not be approached by an owner,
Unfortunately, eggs and adult mites in the inner parts of the ear will remain untreated, thus the chances of a recurrence of any infestation are relatively high.
Commercial natural remedies and herbal preparations such as Ear
contain similar
or like ingredients as those described for home remedies dog ear mites
and is a
preferred approach for treating dog ear mites at
home. These are effective, easy to administer and do not require
a prescription. A dog with a weakened immune system may also be helped
by a natural remedy such as Skin
and Coat Tonic, which maintains skin
and promotes immunity.
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Veterinary Manual
State University School of Veterinary Medicine
Tilford, “Herbs for Pets” Revised Edition