
Unbearable Canine Gas

by Melanie
(New York, NY)

Reader Question: How To Stop Fecal Leakage In Canine

I have a Boston Terrier whose gas has become unbearable, I know Boston's are stinky but this is worse than ever before. We have tried different diets, extra exercise, less exercise, probiotics nothing has worked and now he has fecal leakage. He can't seem to finish a movement completely, so he is leaving marks all over the couches and anywhere he sits. We have to keep baby wipes everywhere and clean him after going, but can't always be here.

He also now appears to be losing his hair mostly around the neck, belly, behind and back legs. What is this and what can I do? I have a toddler too and can not have a dog that leaves his feces everywhere.

Please help.

Veterinarian Gives Advice On How To Stop Fecal Leakage In Canine


I am concerned about your dog’s symptoms of excess gas, fecal incontinence, and hair loss. These can be signs of many different health problems, some of which are potentially serious (e.g., parasites, gastrointestinal infections, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, pancreatic disease, and more).

A trip to the veterinarian is definitely in order since everything you’ve tried at home (all of which were reasonable recourses) has proven ineffective. If your dog was my patient, I would want to start with a physical examination, probably followed by some fecal and blood tests.

Best of luck,

Jennifer Coates, DVM

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Aug 05, 2012
What are they feeding the dog?
by: Anonymous

They don't mention what the dog eats. Feeding him table scraps, forbidden foods (grapes, chocolate, onions, etc?). It's been my experience that people whose dogs pass a lot of gas or have trouble with diarrhea almost always have dogs that have been fed table scraps.

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