
Treating Dog Warts

by Jessica


My adopted dog had a cauliflower growth about seven months ago. I had it removed and the vet said it was more than likely the papilloma virus. About a month ago it returned to the very same spot on his shoulder.

It started off small and has now grown to the size of a raspberry. It is also cauliflower in shape and it started off the color of his skin but now has turned white and has a hard shell.

I really do not want to put my dog under the stress of another surgery. The last time required stitches. The vet said it was up to me whether or not I wanted to go through with it. I am thinking about it. however, yesterday it started to bleed. I cleaned it and stopped the bleeding and I looked at it again this morning and it seems to be ok.

It does not seem to bother him or cause him pain. My guess is he rubbed up against something or scratched it. It has not happened until now and it is not in an area where he can lick or chew at it. My question is, would you recommend me taking him to have it surgically removed?



Veterinarian Suggestion for Treating Dog Warts

Hi Jessica,

The decision is really up to you. Assuming the growth is benign (was the last one sent to a pathologist for evaluation after surgery?) and it is not bothering your dog, it is perfectly reasonable to let sleeping dogs lie (so to speak). If, however, the bleeding you describe becomes a recurring problem or the mass begins to irritate your dog, I do think removing it would be wise.

The surgery is relatively minor, although I would probably want a wide incision around the mass since it did recur after the first surgery.

Keep in mind that surgeries like these are simpler and easier to recover from when the mass is small. If it appears to be growing quickly, there is no benefit to delaying the surgery.


Jennifer Coates, DVM

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