
Dog Swollen Leg Treatment

by Anonymous

Dog swollen leg help needed. I came home from work today to find my male boxer had her leash wrapped so tight around her hind leg that it had caused pretty bad swelling on the bottom part of her leg and the foot.

She isn't yelping and she is walking normally.

Is this something serious or will it just go down by itself?

Editor Suggestions Dog Swollen Leg Treatment

Accidental problems like these, where excessive pressure is exerted on the muscle, can lead to injury or tearing of dog leg ligaments.

Clinical symptoms such as limping, extreme pain along with dog leg swelling and sometimes generalized illness like fever may represent a serious medical emergency.

But, here in this case, since your male boxer is not feeling pain and has no limp while walking, it means that the ligament and/or muscle is safe from any serious injury. Due to pressure and congestion in the blood supply, only a mild inflammatory response has been generated.

Such mild dog swollen leg problems usually resolve on their own in 36 – 48 hours. No special dog leg treatment is required.

But, if the condition persists, even after 48 hours, you can try some home remedies, such as applying mashed garlic mixed with olive oil on the surface followed by a gentle massage. This will certainly help to reduce any inflammation.

In addition, you can use a homeopathic remedy such as Homeopet to hasten dog leg healing. If the condition is a mild one, as it seems, this home remedy for dog leg swelling and the use of a homeopathic remedy should work. The condition should resolve in a maximum of 72 hours.

But, in case the dog swollen leg problem does not go down, your dog may require a detailed veterinary examination and x-rays for confirmation of the exact damage caused to muscles, ligaments or joints. The confirmed condition should be treated as per the confirmatory diagnosis.

Best of luck to you and your dog and we are hopeful that the dog swollen leg will resolve on its own.

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Aug 13, 2010
little dog limping with swollen leg
by: Anonymous

My, little dog is limping and her leg is swollen, she holds her foot at an angle when walking. Took her to the Vet and there are no broken bones wonder what is wrong.

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