
Blood Dripping From Dog Penis

by Sharon
(London, United Kingdom)

Dog Blood  Dripping From Penis

Dog Blood Dripping From Penis

Dog Blood  Dripping From Penis
Dog Blood  Dripping From Penis
Dog Blood  Dripping From Penis

Reader Question: Blood Dripping From Dog Penis

Please look at these pictures A vet here in East London has not explanation for my dogs behaviour. My dog is dripping blood from his penis, and the vet has done x-rays and blood test.

Maybe you can assist.

Kind regards,

Vet Suggestion Dog Dripping Blood From Penis

Hello Sharon,

Prostatic disease (benign prostatic hypertrophy) is the most common cause of blood dripping from the penis in unneutered dogs. I can’t tell if your dog is intact or neutered based on your pictures, but if he is intact, has a large prostate, and a thorough diagnostic work-up (including testing for blood clotting disorders) indicates that he is healthy, neutering would certainly be a reasonable next step.

If your dog were my patient and a physical exam didn’t reveal the cause of his condition, I would want to run a panel of blood work to check for any blood clotting disorders and other potential problems. If everything looked good on these tests, I would then sedate your dog, perform a thorough exam of his penis and prostate gland (something he probably wouldn’t let me do while he was awake), and unless that gave me the answer, take x-rays of and possibly ultrasound his abdomen and prostate gland.

Your dog’s hunched back and anxious expression makes me think that he is experiencing a significant amount of discomfort. Ask your primary care veterinarian if he or she thinks referral to a specialist might be in your dog’s best interests.

Best of luck,
Jennifer Coates, DVM

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Jun 28, 2020
My dog seems to be in the same situation.
by: Rogerio

Hi, the vets around here are a little lost too. But reading the description and looking to the photograph, it looks pretty similar to my dog's case. I hope everything turns well with him. Could you share what was it about?

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