
Are Dog Hormonal Supplements Necessary After Spaying

by Amelie and Our Veterinarian

Reader Question on Dog Hormone Replacement Therapy after a dog is spayed


My 5 months old female German Shepherd has just been spayed. She had an Ovario-Hysterectomy. Recently, I have been reading a lot about the disadvantages for the dog of losing her normal oestrogen level, resulting this surgery.

I was wondering if any hormonal supplement of oestrogen could be administered to my dog for her to avoid these inconveniences.

Thank you.

Vet Suggestion Regarding Dog Hormone Replacement Therapy and is it necessary after a dog is spayed

Hi Amelie,

Every medical procedure has its potential risks and benefits. The general consensus within the veterinary community is that the benefits of spaying far outweigh the risks. For example, by spaying your dog before she has had a heat cycle you have virtually eliminated the chance that she will get breast cancer or a potentially fatal uterine infection called a pyometra in the future. These are both very common problems in older, unspayed females.

I do not recommend that you give an estrogen supplement. Doing so is also not without risk. Dogs that receive estrogen supplements can develop bone marrow suppression and breast cancer. I think you have made the right decision for your dog by having her spayed.


Jennifer Coates, DVM

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Jan 31, 2019
Outdated info on early spay/neuter in dogs NEW
by: Dorothy

Dear Dr. Coates,
I adopted a brother and sister boxer/lab mix in May 2018. They were approximately 2 1/2 months when they were spayed. Within the same time frame of 3 weeks, they were also given 3 major sets of vaccinations. I found all this on their health records when I picked them up. I noticed shortly after getting them that our male was walking very unsteadily with excessive swaying. At 5 months old, he was diagnosed with severe bi-lateral hip dysplasia. Additionally, he is exhibiting acute fear of dogs, is extremely touch sensitive and is an emotional wreck. I couldn’t believe this was happening to such a young, really sweet pup. I began doing research on hip dysplasia and was mortified to find that there is a TON of research on NEGATIVE health and behavioral issues connected to early spay/neuter. There is such a delicate balance in the endocrine system that completely removing one or more hormones in people is disastrous. Why do you think it would not be so in dogs?

If I found this information, surely vets already know this and why on earth are we sentencing our beloved furries to a far greater chance of hip dysplasia, cancers, behavioral issues and more?

Here is a website that explains AND provides DOCUMENTATION that early spay/neuter causes far more harm than good:


Because I was not given the choice as to what I think is best for my dogs, Shadow, my male pup will be sentenced to a life of pain and suffering if I do not intervene for him. He is on multiple supplements, is in physical therapy and we are looking at double hip replacement very soon. I don’t feel that FHO is the best I can do for my little guy. Luckily, we have a surgeon who thinks it is barbaric and outdated as do we. Most people would have euthanized him by now and if I wasn’t getting glimpses of his true lovable, very sweet personality, I would have too. But I see such a love for life in this little guy in spite of his struggles that I have to give him the best shot of a happy and healthy life. I am working with my vet on researching hormone replacement therapy for him and am hoping that it helps restore what was taken from him.

I ask you to reconsider your views in light of this information and perhaps even do something about it...like offering ovary-sparing spay and vasectomy. Because something may be more difficult to accomplish does not mean it is not the right thing to do. Thank you.

Jun 09, 2018
Cushings linked with Neuter/Spay NEW
by: Betty

Have a 6yo Doxiepoo rescue, who developed severe separation anxiety. Now she is Diagnosed with Cushings Disease which has high cortisol levele. Was that the initial driving factor in her separation anxiety? Wanted to tear her way back into house, or bent horse wire to get out. 15 pounds mind you. We could not bend it back! Dr Karen Becker, a holistic vet I follow on line feels that these procedures are linked to Cushings. She was mentored by Dr. Jack Tolliver who was the UT Vet School, which is working with a melatonin, lignin formula to lower cortisol, as a treatment for cushings. I just hate to put her on the chemotherapy drug recommended. Have trouble with concept of trying to poison something into health. Similar to DDT. With sex organs gone, the burden falls on the adrenals to produce. She feels balancing the hormones can help. Am currently trying UT's protocol. Check out her website for info on Cushings. A horrible disease. Said to be no cure, and cause other major issues. All something to consider carefully.

Nov 11, 2017
Would you compromise your own hormones? NEW
by: Anonymous

Of course not. But that is what vets are asking you to do to your best friend in the name of sterilization. What ever happened to vasectomies and tubal ligations as sterilization options for our dogs? Please take heed of some of the other commenters here. And please, check out http://HealthyAndHappyDog.wordpress.com for important details.

Apr 09, 2017
If you love your pets do not alter them. NEW
by: Anonymous

Spaying and neutering increases the incidences of most cancers because it seriously hampers their immune system. Look at humans. Humans do not undergo overectomy (removal of ovaries) or removal of testicles unless it is medically indicated. And look at Lance Armstrong. Even though he had testicular cancer and removed his testicles, he takes hormone replacement therapy. Why? Because hormones help you stay healthy and strong for a longer period of time. Do you know why incidents of cancer increase as people and animals age? I believe the primary reason is a reduced vigorous immune system stemming partly from a reduced level of hormones that naturally occur with aging.

Mar 10, 2016
dog spaying/neutering damages dog's health badly NEW
by: Anonymous

I lost my dog prematurely to cancer due to early neutering. All vets are liars, there are NO benefits for dog to mutilate them! People do it for their own comfort nothing else. Next time you are offered to spay your dog ask your vet if she will remove her own healthy ovaries just in case that she may get ovarian cancer in the future. See what she answers. Hypocrites, they don't care about your dog's health at all. I have seen only one vet during my life who admitted the damage she done by early spay/neutering her clients dogs because later she had to deal with so many health issues those dogs developed and she honestly apologized. Most of the vets act like zombies keep repeating how wonderful the spay/neuter surgery is for your dog.

Sep 21, 2015
Spaying Increase Incidence of ALL Cancers! NEW
by: John Seville VMD

Your Vet forgot to inform you of the downside of spaying at that early an age. Dogs have a greatly increased risk of all cancers, except Breast and Ovarian. Bone cancer risk increases several fold, as does Hemangiosarcoma, both are the deadliest of all dog cancers! Every other cancer increases at least double. Spaying is a bad idea for lots of reasons, only good reason is it makes Vets money! Keep a very close eye on your dog and constantly check for early signs of cancer, doing ultrasounds twice yearly for Hermangiosarcoma especially! Sorry to have to sent you a wake up call, but no one else has.


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