Are Dog Hormonal Supplements Necessary After Spaying
by Amelie and Our Veterinarian
Reader Question on Dog Hormone Replacement Therapy after a dog is spayed
My 5 months old female German Shepherd has just been spayed. She had an Ovario-Hysterectomy. Recently, I have been reading a lot about the disadvantages for the dog of losing her normal oestrogen level, resulting this surgery.
I was wondering if any hormonal supplement of oestrogen could be administered to my dog for her to avoid these inconveniences.
Thank you.
Vet Suggestion Regarding Dog Hormone Replacement Therapy and is it necessary after a dog is spayed
Hi Amelie,
Every medical procedure has its potential risks and benefits. The general consensus within the veterinary community is that the benefits of spaying far outweigh the risks. For example, by spaying your dog before she has had a heat cycle you have virtually eliminated the chance that she will get breast cancer or a potentially fatal uterine infection called a pyometra in the future. These are both very common problems in older, unspayed females.
I do not recommend that you give an estrogen supplement. Doing so is also not without risk. Dogs that receive estrogen supplements can develop bone marrow suppression and breast cancer. I think you have made the right decision for your dog by having her spayed.
Jennifer Coates, DVM
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